How is my understanding of the purpose of education visible in my classroom - Connected communities, able citizens.
So if I think back to week 1 of Mindlab, a central question was 'what is the purpose of education'. Gert Biesta talks about the purposes of education and the three things education prepares a learner for. So while we are still concerned with the how, the why becomes very important. What am I preparing my students for? How will what I do within the confines of my classroom enable them to get there? Clearly, education is far more than the content of the curriculum. So the big question then becomes how do we prepare students to be connected able citizens of the world? How do we prepare students for a rapidly changing world? This is a massive question which is not going to be easily answerable in a pithy blog post. I suspect that I will continue to wrestle with this over the 32 weeks of this programme. I am thinking at the moment about 'how can I encourage community in my classes'. This goes for my face to face classes and my online class. I would really l...